Jumping spiders are active hunters often
seen during the day walking up and down walls in houses as well as in the
countryside. They hunt flies and mosquitoes by stalking them slowly and finally
jumping on them.
At least two species are found in the Maltese islands although
one should not be surprised if more are discovered as spiders have not been
studied completely in the Malta .
The most common
species is known simply as the jumping spider but is also called Adanson's
House Jumper. In Maltese it is known as brimba qabbeżija tad-djar. It is
found in warmer climates
around the world, including Japan ,
Taiwan and Australia but has been introduced
in many parts o the world including colder areas where it is often found in
greenhouses. A male jumping spider can grow up to 8 mm.
Another species known as Schembri’s jumping spider, brimba qabbeżija ta’
Schembri, is much smaller growing to a maximum of 4mm. It is found on dry
ground among stones and is endemic to Malta
and Sicily .
The jumping spider family contains over
5,000 species, making it the largest family of spiders with about 13% of all species.
They are found in a variety of habitats especially in tropical rain forests but
they can also be found in temperate forests, scrubland and on mountains.
specimen is claimed to have been collected near the very top of Mount Everest . Jumping spiders have good vision, which
they need for hunting. They have four pairs of eyes, some of which are
sensitive to a wide range of rays including ultraviolet rays.
Jumping spiders
have a well developed system of internal hydraulic which makes it possible for
them to extend their limbs by changing the pressure of their blood within them.
Thanks to this system they can make spectacular jumps without the need of
having large muscular legs like the grasshopper.
A jumping spider can jump 20
to 60 or even 75 to 89 times the length of its body. When a jumping spider is moving from place to
place, and especially just before it jumps, it tethers a filament of silk to
whatever it is standing on. Should it fall for one reason or another, it climbs
back up the silk tether.
Jumping spiders are very curious creatures. When approached instead of
moving away they turn to face the possible danger. If approached too closely
they might jump backwards and they might also attempt to defend themselves by
raising their forelimbs.
Reproduction involves an interesting courtship display consisting of
complex movements of the forelimbs in which the male’s hairs and colours are
shown off to the female. It is thought that in at least one species the female
reflects ultraviolet rays before mating. It has also been recently discovered
that many jumping spiders have a good auditory system and that males make
sounds like buzzes and drum rolls.
This article was published in The Times on 10 June 2009.
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